New Nirankari NYS Haryana 2023 | Beautiful Nirankari Youth Symposium – Samalkha, Haryana 2023 | Registration, Date, Timings

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Nirankari NYS Haryana Samalkha 2023 in the presence of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji. Get Full Information about its Registration | Date | Timings below. If you want to know more about NYS ( Nirankari Youth Symposium ) then Click 👉 here 👈

Nirankari NYS Haryana 2023

Saints say with love Dhan Nirankar ji. Saints Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj Gave us a bundle of blessings in the form of Nirankari Youth Symposium ( NYS )  Samalkha | Haryana 2023. Those who cannot attend NYS Haryana 2023 Programme Physically, can attend Nirankari Live Online here.

साध संगत जी प्यार से कहना धन निरंकार जी | सत्संग जी सतगुरु माता सुदीक्षा जी महाराज ने सभी नौजवानों पर रहमत बरसाते हुए एनवाईएस यानी कि निरंकारी यूथ सिंपोजियम आयोजित किया है. जो सन्त हरियाणा जाकर NYS कार्यक्रम नहीं देख सकता वह NYS हरियाणा 2023 Nirankari Live कार्यक्रम को ऑनलाइन भी यहाँ देख सकता है |

Note :-

Only Saints with 15 to 40 years of Age and Saints belong to State Haryana only can take part in NYS Haryana 2023 but Everyone can be present at the programme and can seek blessings of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji.

सभी संतो को सूचित किया जाता है कि एन.वाई.एस ( NYS ) हरियाणा 2023 मैं रजिस्ट्रेशन और हिस्सा केवल 15 से 40 वर्ष की आयु के महापुरुष ही ले सकते हैं परंतु पूरा कार्यक्रम को देख व सतगुरु माता सुदीक्षा जी और राज पिता रमित जी की रहमते सारे संत प्राप्त कर सकते हैं |

NYS Samalkha Haryana Complete Details :-

  • Location : Sant Nirankari Adhyatmik Sthal, Samalkha, Haryana
  • Date : 31st March ( NYF Games Programme ), 1st to 2nd April ( NYS Programme )
  • Nearest Railway Station : Samalkha Railway Station (SMK)

एनवाईएस हरियाणा 2023 की संपूर्ण जानकारी :-

  • जगह या स्थान :  संत निरंकारी आध्यात्मिक स्थल, समालखा, हरियाणा
  • तारीख या तिथि :  31 मार्च ( एनवाईएफ गेम्स ) 1 से 2 अप्रैल (  एनवाईएस कार्यक्रम )
  • नजदीकी रेलवे स्टेशन :  समालखा (SMK)

Nirankari NYS Samalkha Haryana 2023 Registration :-

How to do Registration of NYS Haryana 2023?

By visiting this👉 Link 👈 you can visit the Registration Page of NYS Haryana 2023 and enroll in the Registration Process by Filling the required Details.

Who can Participate in NYF Games and in NYS Harayana 2023 ?

Saints within the age of 15 – 40 and Saints Belong to Haryana State can participate in NYF Games and in NYS Programme but everyone can join and take blessings of Mata Ji at the Ground.

एन.वाई.एस ( NYS )हरियाणा 2023 में कैसे भाग लें ?

अगर आप भी एन.वाई.एस समालखा हरियाणा 2023 का रजिस्ट्रेशन करना चाहते हैं तो इस 👉 वेबसाइट 👈 पर जाके कर सकते हैं |

एन.वाई.एस ( NYS ) हरियाणा 2023 का रजिस्ट्रेशन कौन-कौन कर सकता है ?

सभी महापुरुषों को बता दें कि केवल 15 से 40 वर्ष की आयु के नौजवान ही एन.वाई.एस हरियाणा 2023 के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन कर सकते हैं | यह नौजवान केवल हरियाणा से ही होने चाहिए |

NYS Today Nirankari Live Online :-

NYS Haryana 2023 will also be broadcasted LIVE today here. ( Today Nirankari Live Sant Samagam )

यह भी देखिये ( Also Watch This ) :-

FAQs :-

What is the Full Form of NYS ?

Nirankari Youth Symposium

What is the date of NYS Haryana 2023 ?

31st March ( NYF Games Programme ), 1st – 2nd April ( NYS Programme )

What is the Full Form of NYF ?

Nirankari Youth Forum

On What NYS is based on ?

NYS is based on “The Six Elements”

What is the Aim of NYS ?

NYS is a part of NYF held by Sant Nirankari Mission. NYS specially aim for Youth to get connect with Social and Spiritual Aspect of World. If you want to Know more about NYS then click 👉 here 👈

What is NYF Games ?

NYF Games includes many Ancient Sports and Modern Sports Activites like Malkham, Cricket, Basketball, Badminton, Chess etc. performed by Youth in front of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Whole Satsang. Sometimes Satguru Mata Ji also takes Part in Various Activites.

What is the location of NYS Haryana 2023 ?

Sant Nirankari Adhyatmik Sthal, Samalkha, Haryana

Which Railway Station is nearest to Nirankari Samagam Ground, Samalkha, Haryana ?

Samalkha Railway Station (SMK)

Who Can take Part in NYS and NYF Games ?

Saints who are in age group of 15 – 40 years and those who belongs to Haryana State only – can take part in these Activities. But everyone can come to ground and can enjoy the whole NYS Programme as well as can seek Blessings of Satguru Mata Sudiksha ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji

How to do Registration of NYS Haryana 2023?

You can simply visit this 👉 link 👈 and can participate in NYS Haryana 2023.

Will the NYS Haryana 2023 Programme be Nirankari Live Today ?

Yes you can watch it Nirankari Live here.

NYS ( Nirankari Youth Symposium ) सवाल – जवाब
Very Beautiful Song on – NYS Games
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